المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية
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أبحث في الأخبار
جهود مكثفة وطباعة عشرات الآلاف من المنشورات .. استعدادات العتبة العلوية المقدسة لعيد الغدير الأغر
تهيئة مئات الآلاف من الورد الطبيعي .. العتبة العلوية المقدسة تستعد لإحياء مناسبة الغدير الأغر
مع قرب حلول عيد الغدير الأغر .. العتبة العلوية المقدسة تستعد لحملة تزيين كبرى بمناسبة عيد الغدير الأغر
دورة المتحدث الصحفي..الهدف منها ترجمة الأعمال والنشاطات لوسائل الإعلام بطرق مختصرة وحديثة
ضمن رعايتها الأبوية للفئات المجتمعية .. العتبة العلوية المقدسة تلتقي أصحاب المعارض التجارية المتضررة جراء حريق المدينة الصناعية وتوجّه بتقديم الدعم المناسب لهم
للتعامل الأمثل مع الأطفال .. العتبة العلوية المقدسة تقيم ورشة تخصصية لتطوير قدرات التربويات في روضة أحباب الأمير (ع)

Health and Safety Officer


1833       03:27 مساءاً       التاريخ: 20-10-2015              المصدر: La Follette, S. E., T. Bellingar, and P. Ronczkowski

أقرأ أيضاً
التاريخ: 26-10-2018 1236
التاريخ: 14-6-2019 1501
التاريخ: 11-1-2020 1460
التاريخ: 11-7-2017 1906
التاريخ: 18-11-2019 1810
Health and Safety Officer
Most companies, universities, and academic medical centers employ a health and safety officer (HSO). The HSO promotes the health and safety of em­ployees and is in charge of the company’s formal health and safety program. The HSO writes policies and procedures that the company and its employees must follow to assure a safe work environment. The program is based on state and federal regulations but may be stricter. Work includes measuring hazardous agents, observing workers accomplish their tasks, and making rec­ommendations on ways to reduce injuries. Measurements may include chem­icals in laboratory air, noise levels in production areas, and levels of radiation in facilities that use radiation or radioactive substances.
The HSO often observes workers to determine causes of injuries and recommends ways to avoid injuries or exposure to hazardous materials. The HSO provides personal protective equipment for eye and hearing protec­tion, requires machine guards to prevent injuries, and requires protective clothing to guard against chemicals and bacteria. Sometimes the HSO works with a physician to determine the cause of a worker’s illness. The HSO at a small company often has a biology or engineering background (depend­ing on the company and hazards to employees). Usually a bachelor of sci­ence (B.S.) degree and a few years of experience in health and safety are adequate. Large companies and organizations often require formal gradu­ate training in safety and certification, for example a Certified Safety Pro­fessional. The HSO at a large company often has a B.S. degree in a biological or physical science, plus a master’s degree or doctorate, depending on the needs of the company. The best way to prepare to become an HSO is to obtain a B.S. degree in science or engineering and a graduate degree in a safety discipline such as safety engineering or industrial hygiene.
La Follette, S. E., T. Bellingar, and P. Ronczkowski. “On the Path from Student to Practitioner: Testing the Water Before the Internship.” Environmental Health 63 (2001): 15-19.

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