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What are gene groups


1927       02:44 صباحاً       التاريخ: 15-10-2020              المصدر: Genetics Home Reference

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What are gene groups?

A gene group is a set of genes that share important characteristics. In many cases, genes in a group share a similar sequence of DNA building blocks (nucleotides). These genes provide instructions for making products (such as proteins) that have a similar structure or function. In other cases, dissimilar genes are grouped together because proteins produced from these genes work together as a unit or participate in the same process.
Classifying individual genes into groups helps researchers describe how genes are related to each other. Researchers can use gene groups to predict the function of newly identified genes based on their similarity to known genes.
Similarities among genes in a group can also be used to predict where and when a specific gene is active (expressed). Additionally, gene groups may provide clues for identifying genes that are involved in particular diseases.
Sometimes not enough is known about a gene to assign it to an established group. In other cases, genes may fit into more than one group. No formal guidelines define the criteria for grouping genes together. Classification systems for genes continue to evolve as scientists learn more about the structure and function of genes and the relationships between them.

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