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1899       12:40 صباحاً       التاريخ: 23-10-2015              المصدر: Dalley, John G

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A microscopist is any scientist or technician who routinely uses a micro­scope in his or her work. While beginning students usually have some ex­perience with simple light microscopes, there are many types of more sophisticated microscopes for special purposes, such as phase contrast and fluorescence light microscopes, scanning and transmission electron micro­scopes, and tunneling electron microscopes that can see even down to the level of individual molecules. These types of microscopes require special­ized training to be able to prepare specimens properly, use the microscope, and record the images.
Many scientists who work in anatomy, cytology, and other fields em­ploy technicians to maintain and operate specialized microscopes, and em­ployment opportunities for microscopists are abundant. Positions for technicians typically require a bachelor of science degree, although some are available with only a high school diploma and on-the-job training, an associate’s degree, or certification from a training program in areas such as electron microscopy. Independent research in microscopy usually requires a master’s degree or doctorate.
Microscopists are employed by universities, medical schools, hospitals, museums, industries, and government agencies. Microscopists work not only in biology but also in medicine, chemistry, geology, materials science, elec­tronics, forensic science, food science, and other fields.
To prepare for a career in microscopy, one should take four years of high school science and mathematics; biology, chemistry, physics, and ge­ology are all related to microscopy. Further training on the job or in col­lege may involve physics (especially optics and electromagnetism), electronics, photography (for photomicrography and microcinematogra­phy), and histotechnique (slicing and staining tissues for microscopic exam­ination). Biology, geology, chemistry, and physics are among the appropriate choices of a college major; a minor in photography or astronomy would also enhance one’s qualifications. One’s hobbies can also provide a good ground­ing for a career in microscopy; for example, photography (especially close- up nature photography), photoprocessing, and astronomy (which employs similar principles of optics).
Dalley, John G. Photography Through the Microscope. Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak Co., 1988.
Microscopy—UK. <http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/forms/directly.html>.
Microworld Internet Guide to Microscopy. <http://www.mwrn.com/feature/joblinks. htm>.
Smith, Roger F. Microscopy and Photomicrography: A Working Manual. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1994.

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