Positive family creates positive children
1:11:3 2024-11-01 163

It was said: (Children can be born well-mannered if their parents are like that) this means that a family that has a good nature produces good children; because the curriculum adopted by a positive family creates positive children. Here are seven things that support the educational curriculum of a positive family that is directed towards building its children in a sound manner: - First: Showing love and showing interest, as children always need to feel love and feel their importance; The family should be raised in an atmosphere of love, affection and care, otherwise, not filling this gap will leave the children with a great emotional deficiency that will push them to fill it in ways that may not be good. It is important to hug the children several times a day, and to be keen to let them hear words of love and affection. Second: Motivation and encouragement instead of praise, as children should be encouraged throughout the day; because they need to hear a lot of words of encouragement; Such as saying (well done, good) and other phrases that support them in a positive way away from harsh criticism, blame or praise that may not be deserved. It is very useful to offer some gifts to motivate them for the work they accomplish; neglecting to motivate and encourage children leads to a psychological problem for them, then they will look for an external incentive to do the right thing, and this problem may expand in the future so that some of them become people with dual behavior; They do not feel satisfied until they receive motivation, otherwise they tend towards negative behavior sometimes.

Third: Developing talents and motivating them to acquire skills; as the role of parents and educators is not limited to developing talents; rather, it is necessary to motivate children to acquire skills that motivate them to instill talents and thus make them part of their personality; Such as swimming, drawing, sewing, embroidery, and other talents that can be practiced in free time, which increases children's self-confidence and increases their sense of their ability to face difficulties in life. Fourth: Showing the value of behavior to children before teaching them about it; Raising children by (model and role model) encourages them to be influenced by the model and imitate the behavior of the role model, which is represented by the parents and the adults in the family such as the uncle, grandfather and maternal uncle, for example, which makes the value of the action rooted in their souls, and this facilitates the process of teaching them values ​​and virtues and bringing their models closer to life. Fifth: Adopting moderation in accountability and punishment, especially when children show objection and stubbornness towards the instructions and orders that we direct to them. We hate to hear the word "no" from them, and they want us to always say "yes" to them. If they say "no", we punish them or hold them accountable severely. If they rebel against our prohibition and we do not agree to what they ask for, they will get upset and angry, and then we will have to deter them strongly and punish them. Sixth: Activate positive dialogue through (active listening and problem-solving mechanisms). It is necessary to sympathize with children even if they make mistakes and practice bad behavior. To achieve (communication before correction), as John Nelson says, this communication has rules, including: listening well, showing sympathy, sharing the children’s feelings and thoughts, and not rushing to pass judgment on them. Rather, it is necessary to provide them with assistance and train them to discover solutions on their own, which makes them qualified to face problems on their own in the future.

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