Allah will resurrect and then judge all people according to what they did while on Earth. All Prophets have revealed this great truth, for they taught His true religion and warned their people to prepare for this day. All sincere believers conduct themselves in the full awareness of their resurrection and subsequent judgment. As for those who reject the resurrection, the Qur'an says that they will meet the following fate:
He makes likenesses of Us and forgets his own creation, asking: "Who will give life to bones when they are decayed?" Say: "He Who made them in the first place will bring them back to life. He has total knowledge of each created thing." (Qur'an, 36:78-79)
They say, There is nothing but this life and we will not be raised again. If only you could see when they are standing before their Lord. He [Allah] will say, "Is this not the truth?" They will say, "Yes indeed, by our Lord!" He [Allah] will say, "Then taste the punishment for your disbelief." (Qur'an, 6:29-30)
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