Who among us does not criticize other people? Everyone is dedicated to criticizing others and under the name of all motives: the public interest, the private interest, belittling others, hunting for mistakes... everything is permissible for criticism. The important thing is how do you underestimate them?
Certainly, this is incorrect. If you want to criticize something in which you see a mistake and want to correct this matter for the perpetrator, then you must master the art of criticism and its main purpose here is to keep the one you criticize in the right way, not to change it as a result of your criticism, and mastering the art of criticism is four levels.
First: confidentiality.
If you really want to correct the mistake and see the work in the right track, you have to criticize the other party in private. If you advise them openly, you will have exposed them, and a person may accept advice but does not accept scandal, even if you have the highest motives, values, and the right to criticism. Just remember, if you were the critic, how would you be if someone criticized you publicly? Would you have remained silent and committed to implementing what you heard, or would you have searched for justifications to confirm what you are doing and might have revolted in the face of your critic and insulted him?
If you want him to do that to you, that is your business. As for others, you must advise them in secret, otherwise you have to suffer the consequences, and you only have yourself to blame.
Second: gentle word:
The more gentle you are in your words, the better you are in your speech, and people will be on your side. What do you think if you give praise to those you criticize, how will the situation be? Here, if you do that, you will have possessed him without slavery or servitude, so his heart is with you and his mind is yours. Do with it now whatever you want to correct the desired course of action. And if you do the opposite and start denouncing him and slandering him, do not blame anyone but yourself.
Third: Criticize the work, not the maker of the work:
If you want to reform through criticism, then here you are interested in work, and therefore your criticism should focus on the work performed and not on the one who performed this work. That is, you have to focus on the behavior and not on the person. If you do that, you have raised his value and strengthened his influence to improve his work and not to increase his negatives. And you can test yourself: Do you direct advice and criticism in order to spite those who did this work and find mistakes, or do you really seek effectiveness in work?
Fourth: Provide solutions:
What is the purpose of your criticism of the work and what do you learn from this criticism? If he was aware of the correctness of performing the work, he would not have made a mistake in it. Your role here is to give and present to him the correct way to work and how to avoid the occurrence of this mistake again. And don't be a displeased critic always; your face not showing a smile.
And do not say to whom you criticize (the important thing is for you to do this thing in the right way).
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