The rule makes it easy for us to memorize what we want, and we reach our goals smoothly, so it preserves the path we take, and the more we rely on the rules in various aspects of our lives, the more we can be at a high level of commitment, success and advancement. The rule benefits us in relying and steadfastness, so it is a reference and a basis on which we lean, and the more correct and solid the rules are, the more cohesive the structure that is built on them will be. However, if your rule is a balloon filled with air, it does not carry any weight and quickly explodes. The life we live requires us to find the rules that if we follow them, we will succeed in everything we want, if one of us is thinking about success, otherwise no rule will benefit him, even those rules that are in front of his eyes, because the purpose of our existence is success, not failure, and this is the record of the wise and the great, in which there is no failure; because their concern was success.
One of us might ask: Are there rules for success that are shared in different areas of life? We can tell him: Yes, take the right thinking or positive thinking, it is one of the most important rules that are the starting point for success, and take caution, vigilance, attention, and many others. I ask you to read this rule carefully. - Do the projects you love
Achieve what you love and do what you love, and leave the work you don't love, this rule is very important for those who want to succeed in their lives in work and achievements and many things, love is what drives you to do the impossible in people's eyes, it is what turns you from a world of stillness to a world of amazement and innovation, all people have minds and they are all capable of making achievements, making life, progress and development, but few enter the field of struggle for success and achievement, there was a person who reached the age of forty and was tending sheep, one day he looked at one of the scholars of Sharia and said to himself can I be like this scholar, one day went and another came and the forty-year-old decided to study, so he entered school and obtained the highest degrees of knowledge after a few years, he was a lover of knowledge and found his happiness in it, love is what makes you what you want, and it is what makes difficulties simple in your eyes, and it is the horse that the rider rides to overcome the limits of weakness, and we have found in our reality that those who are distinguished in their work and achievements are those who have love for their work and job, that those who do not have Love for his work and job does not expect him to offer anything, neither to anyone nor to himself nor to his profession nor to his position and fame. Whoever is forced by life to be in a position he does not want, will harm the position more than it benefits him, and will fall into dangerous pitfalls and deep holes from which he will not rise, especially if he is in an environment that fights failures. However, if he is in a place full of failures, he will graze for a long time, until everyone wakes up from their sleep, or God takes him where He wills. If you hate a job, it will be an enemy to you without you realizing it. The slightest calamity that occurs will leave a great impact on you, and problems will multiply in your soul until you think you are wronged, and you did not realize that work has very many requirements, and you hated it and resented it greatly, so how can you expect security and happiness from a place that you hated and divorced repeatedly? It is not easy to deceive ourselves and love what we cannot love. You may succeed one day, but in many years we will fail. Therefore, we can clearly make the lack of love for work, profession or job a major reason. For failure, whoever loves something is devoted to it, as hatred will generate hatred for work or profession, and many statistics have proven that most of those who enter universities and educational institutes did not have the desire for the department they entered, and therefore you find that the vast majority of students do not excel in their studies and specializations because they do not find the motivation and psychological incentive that strengthens them and raises their determination, but there are those who see themselves as prisoners while studying this subject or that subject, and this does not mean that the people who distribute studies and the mechanism of placing students according to grades or some qualifications should be blamed, because when you look closely at the students’ desires, you do not find them clear from this aspect, as he reaches advanced stages of study without knowing which specialization to go to, so the lack of vision in the student is what helps this phenomenon to exist in abundance in our reality in addition to the lack of guidance from the parents, as he grows up in a family poor in knowledge and culture, what does he do when he finds his father’s directions unclear and his mother did not study at all or that she studied and did not finish her studies in an acceptable way, and he also finds the environment very close to his family, and the state did not provide the various specializations, so education is still suffering There are many things that hinder his progress, including the weakness of the staff, the simplicity of the materials offered, and the lack of available specializations. When an individual has a talent, it dies within him because he does not find the space to implement it, in addition to the spirit prevailing in society, from which the individual takes the largest share in forming his culture. This is the case of many students in reality. On other levels, we cannot give it its due in speech, such as other scientific levels that every country needs and that life has imposed on us in an explicit manner that cannot be escaped, or other things that would take too long to talk about. Treatment:
Most of those who read the above phrases want to have this rule and want to enjoy this rule immediately, and this is a very positive thing. You, dear reader, can enjoy this rule in your life and make it as close as possible to your personality. The main step you take is to know your desires and discover yourself, what you are inclined towards. You may say: I am a person who has not yet discovered myself, and I have not distinguished between useful professions and others or those close to me or far from me. This is not difficult. You can learn about professions and certificates, and study each one and ask about its positives and negatives, its safety and danger, its present and future, and all the details related to it, as if you are about to get married. You ask about all the related matters of the profession or the position and the scientific and professional status. If you follow this plan, you will get good, beautiful and distinctive results. You feel as if you have taken a step on the ladder of progress. After that, you choose the profession or science that is closest to yourself, and sometimes it requires that you try some professions, or some sciences, but it does not mean that we spend our lives experimenting, as our lives are a number of years, it does not work according to our will, it goes and if we stop, it does not end our lives with experiences far from desire, ambition, truth and seriousness, so you take the profession that you find yourself good at or skilled in, then you start striving, seriousness and diligence, and after that you find yourself having reached an excellent level of progress and development, all of that accompanied by love for your work and profession. Try it with all accuracy and you will find what we are telling you, you will find there are many pitfalls that hinder your path, but continue and do not care about them too much, because if you give the obstacles more than they should, they will generate many complexes inside you that will destroy your profession or the position you have reached, this is what your love for your work and profession does, you will truly repeat inside you (I am a magician with what ability and energy I was working, and what is that achievement that I made) you dreamed of reaching the level you reached, and some people never thought of it, yes, it is that love that made you and made for you what you want from you, you are the one who makes love and in turn makes for you what you wish, so a person flies With the wings of love in the sky of success, leaving within himself a powerful force that takes him where he wants, for glory is not made in a hut or a palace, but the soul makes it if it wishes, for man has the ability and power to change everything, and how could he not, when God Almighty has provided him with energy, strength, determination, a keen mind and a bright thought. If you do not love your work, create love within yourself, by contemplating the consequences of the work and what the work leads to and all the details that make you desire your profession or journey. If your heart settles on it, then make the determination and conclude the deal and trust in God Almighty. You will find obstacles, but be patient and take the wings of determination as an important tributary and weapon for your upcoming battle with circumstances, bumps and obstacles.
- Love is a light that resides in good hearts and resides in them as an honored guest, and whoever enjoys love will bestow a good life on those around him, like a fragrant flower whose fragrance is smelled by everyone with a healthy nose.
- Our problems today are caused by the absence of love in life. A dose of love and understanding prevails in the atmosphere and is enough to change souls towards positivity.
- Some words may be heavy for others. You have to try with them words that carry love in their hidden signs. Waves of happiness will shower them even if it is late for them, or they do not tell you about it, but it has certainly happened and changed their inner selves.
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Albert Einstein once said: "Imagination is more important than science for it surrounds the world"