While these early experiences do mold us, we can always build a new foundation for ourselves. Anyone can cultivate trust over time through reliable relationships with partners, friends, or therapists and even through visualization and meditation practices. As we trust others and they mirror that trust back to us, a positive feedback loop can form, deepening those bonds even further.
As Connor developed his self-trust, he noticed his relationships improving as well. He grew bolder and more optimistic overall. Connor was raised in a religious household but soured on religion as he grew up, identifying solidly as an agnostic. Still, he started mentioning how he had trust “in how his life was unfolding.” He began fostering his spiritual intelligence, which allowed him to tap into that specific outlook. He was on, as I like to call it, a hero’s journey of the soul—slaying the dragons of false, self-limiting beliefs and recovering the ultimate treasure: his own self.
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