The Unseen Curriculum: A Call for Conscious Content
5:15:37 2024-10-19 71

A toddler watching a music video might try to copy the dance moves, or a baby might stick out their tongue after seeing someone do it on screen. These imitations reflect a deeper cognitive process: observing, processing, and replicating behaviors. This early exposure shapes how infants understand social cues; these are building blocks for their future behavior. But it's not just about mimicking specific actions; it's about absorbing subtle messages about what's important, what's desirable, and how to behave in the world.

Imagine a young child repeatedly seeing aggression online; this could, unfortunately, make them more likely to act similarly. A child constantly exposed to online shopping hauls might internalize the idea that happiness comes from acquiring material possessions, while a child who sees endless filtered selfies might develop a distorted sense of beauty and self-worth.

If a child's online experience is dominated by a narrow range of perspectives, they may miss out on developing a balanced understanding of the world and its diverse inhabitants. We have a responsibility to be mindful of the content we create and share, recognizing its potential to shape young minds and influence their understanding of the world. This means being aware of the subtle messages we send, not just through our words but also through our actions and online presence.


Reality Of Islam


5:37:6   2024-10-22  

Slander and Aggression

4:22:9   2024-10-21  

Fear and Sorrow

4:47:38   2024-10-20  

Those Who Plot Evil

5:12:3   2024-10-19  

A Mathematical Approach to the Quran

10:52:33   2024-02-16  


2:36:46   2023-06-04  

what Allah hates the most

5:1:47   2023-06-01  

allahs fort

11:41:7   2023-05-30  

striving for success

2:35:47   2023-06-04  

Imam Ali Describes the Holy Quran

5:0:38   2023-06-01  


11:40:13   2023-05-30  

silence about wisdom

3:36:19   2023-05-29  


Importance of Media

9:3:43   2018-11-05


use you time well

4:26:43   2022-02-21

true friendship

11:2:27   2022-10-06

remember who supported you

2:2:13   2022-10-08

loyalty is strength

10:55:53   2022-06-13

salih & the special camel

8:3:0   2018-06-21

your children

7:32:24   2022-02-14

be yourself

4:2:19   2022-10-10

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