Interpretation of Sura Al-baqara - Verses 159-160
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159. " Verily, those who conceal what We have revealed of the clear evidence and the guidance, after We made it clear for mankind in the Book; they are those that Allah does curse them and (also) curse them (all) those who curse (such ones) ." 160." Except those who repent, and amend (themselves) and make manifest (the truth) . These it is unto whom I turn (mercifully; and I am the Oft-Returning (to mercy) , the Merciful (to people) ."

Occasion of Revelation

Jalal-id-Din Suyuty has narrated in his book, 'Asbab-un-Nuzul, from Ibn-Abbas that several Muslim people, such as Ma'ath-ibn-Jabal, Sa'd-ibn-Ma'ath, and Kharijat-ibn-Ziyd asked scholars of the Jews several questions about some subjects in the Torah (which concerned the advent of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) ) . They concealed the reality of the subject and, (in their answers) , did not refer to the main idea. The above verse was revealed about them. 14


In the occasion of revelation it was mentioned that the addressees in this verse were the scholars of the Jews, but the meaning is general and never limits the concept of the verse to them only. It covers all whosoever that conceal the truth.

This holy verse intensively blames such people, saying:

" Verily, those who conceal what We have revealed of the clear evidence and the guidance, after We made it clear for mankind in the Book; they are those that Allah does curse them and (also) curse them (all) those who curse (such ones) ." By this verse, we realize that both Allah and the servants of Allah and angels totally hate this action. In other words, concealing the fact is an action that stimulates the wrath of all adherents of truth from jinn, mankind, and angels.

What a treachery is greater than that the scholars, for the sake of their personal interest, hide the Messages and evidences of Allah, which are His deposits, and cause people to go astray. The phrase: " after We made it clear for mankind in the Book;" indicates that such persons, in fact, attempt to spoil the struggles of prophets and the devotions of the godly people alongside the path of the propagation of the Messages of Allah. This action is really a great sin so that none can ignore.

The Qur'an, as a book of guidance, never blocks up the way of return and does not shut the windows of hope to people. It never makes people despair for the Mercy of Allah, however much they are sinful. Hence, in the next verse, it shows the way of repentance of this great sin, thus: " Except those who repent, and amend (themselves) and make manifest (the truth) . These it is unto whom I turn (mercifully) ; and I am the Oft-Returning (to mercy) , the Merciful (to people) ."

The phrase: " and I am the Oft-Returning (to mercy) , the Merciful (to people) ," regarding that it has occurred next to the phrase: " These it is unto whom I turn (mercifully) " refers to the particular affection and kindness of Allah unto the repentant ones. It says if they return, Allah will return, too. If they return to the obedience and servitude, and reveal the fact, Allah will return to Mercy and again shower over them the blessings He had ceased.


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