The world’s top religions believe and wait for the figure who will emerge and bring peace to this world. This figure, or savior, or messiah, will come or appear only when certain things, known as signs of the coming, or signs of the reappearance, occur. These signs are mentioned in holy books and narrations trusted by the top theologians of all the major religions including Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
So as I mentioned the role of this significant savior is to bring peace to this world as the world right now is filled with evil, and we can all agree to that. We are far away from the perfect world of utopia and we will never reach it without that specific figure.
Open up your phones and go to any news agencies, most of what you see is killings, robberies, rape, hate crimes as we mentioned a few days ago.
Even before all of that, back in the ancient times, there were tyrants that oppressed their people.
So this savior or messiah is promised to bring peace and tranquility, but how about our differences?
Will they remain how they are, every group on its own or will they all come together and unite?
Let us first define what does Messiah mean?
Messiah comes from the Hebrew word, Mashiach, meaning “the appointed one,” or “the chosen one.” In Old Testament times, prophets and noble figures were appointed when they were set apart for these positions of responsibility. The anointing was a sign that God had chosen them and consecrated them for the work He had given them to do.
Now the Christians believe that the Messiah has already come in the form of Jesus Christ and this second coming will be his return, which they believe will be when these signs take place.
1. Wars, Violence and Lawlessness
“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (Matthew 24:6–7).
2. Drought and Famine
Drought and famine—lack of rain and lack of food—will stalk the earth on a massive scale never seen before. Yes, these things will become much, much worse. In Matthew 24:7, Jesus predicted: “And there will be famines.”
3. Earthquakes and Other Natural Catastrophes
4. Disease Epidemics
The Bible indicates clearly that future disease epidemics will be, in part, spread by wild animals (Revelation 6:8)
5. A Great False Religious Leader
One of the definite “signs of the end-times,” which will herald the close of this present evil age, is the arrival on the scene of a great false religious leader, called in the Bible the “false prophet” (Revelation 19:19–21). This religious leader will possess great charisma, and will exercise a very powerful influence over a political power—the soon-coming “Beast” (Revelation 13, 17, 19). He will be the long-prophesied, influential head of a great, militant church in Europe.
This man will have supernatural power to deceive! He will have the ability to perform great miracles such as causing fire to come down out of the sky (Revelation 13:13–14).
6. A Crisis Strikes Jerusalem
The modern nation of “Israel,” populated by the descendants of the biblical tribe of Judah will suffer serious military losses with part of its territory occupied by enemies just before the Second Coming of Christ.
7. The Collapse of the English-Speaking Nations—the Great Tribulation
Before the glorious Second Coming of Jesus Christ to establish His Kingdom, watch for the decline and eventual conquest of the English-speaking nations by their enemies! The biblical terminology for this event is “The Great Tribulation.”
There are other signs mentioned in other books and sources.
Now onto Judaism.
They believe the Messiah will arrive when:
Now for the religion of Islam, there are five certain signs of the reappearance of the Messiah, who is weeping for his grandfather Imam Hussein on these days, Imam Mahdi.
So the Imam has reappeared, will he unite or disunite the world?
When the Imam reappears he will bring together all of these three religions. Let’s make simple for you guys.
He will be wearing the Prophet’s turban, clothes and armor he wore on the Battle of Uhud. He will be holding the sword of Imam Ali Thul-Fiqar.
These two valuable and significant items symbolize Islam.
Next, he will have the staff of Musa (Moses) and the ring of Sulayman (Prophet Solomon).
This again is relevant to the Jewish and will draw them to pray and believe in the Imam.
Next, Jesus, the Messiah of the Christians will pray behind Imam Mahdi. Again, this too will draw all of the Christians to pray and believe in Imam Mahdi as well.
So the major religions will all come together and unite.
For those who don’t believe in a Messiah will witness what is happening with their own eyes and choose the right side.
My dear brothers and sisters when we hear of such narrations and signs, we remind ourselves the reappearance of our Imam is near inshallah, but are we ready?
If we have had a sinful past, let today be the change for us. Let us cleanse our souls so we are on the side of the Messiah when he reappears.
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