Seven facts to understand the world of a child
10:44:30 2024-03-30 195

Raising children is not a complicated matter, but it is not a chaotic process left to people’s moods without rules. The family educational process has constants, variables, and curricula drawn up and supported by data, facts, and applications that facilitate the way for parents to learn about the world of their children and ways to build them, address deviations, and correct paths... So here you are. Seven must-have facts Parents and educators should know about the child’s world:

The first: The child is a pure image and a healthy human entity, not a deviant educational situation. Fathers and mothers, change your view of your children. When you call them annoying, deviant, and bad-mannered, the truth is other than that, because they are like a blank slate, and their souls are safe from deviations except to the extent of the upbringing they received from you. Your educational function is based on compassion for them, protecting them, and helping them, and there is no deviation for you to correct because they were born pure.

Second: The originality of the perception of pleasure over pain. The child is attracted and motivated towards pleasures more than fear and pain. If you want your son to do his school duties or good habits, such as brushing his teeth, motivate him financially and make him eager to accomplish what he has to do through gifts and reward him with trips to parks or playgrounds. ; Because he does not understand the concept of commitment and duty, he needs more maturity for these abstract concepts to take hold in his mind.

Third: Children do not distinguish between arithmetic time translated into hours and minutes and psychological time. Where they immerse themselves in their world and their feelings are taken over by the state they are in of play, enjoyment and happiness. The child does not understand the meaning of “it is time to sleep” while he is immersed in playing, and does not explain the necessity of organizing times. He should not be forced to set times for eating, sleeping, or studying until you enter their world and gradually take them out of it.

Fourth: Natural stubbornness in a child indicates psychological well-being and not a deviation in his behavior. In the words of some specialists, “stubbornness in a child is a tendency toward testing his independence, not a desire to violate.” We must understand the justifications for his stubbornness and not rush to punish him or get fed up with his behavior.

Fifth: The child deals with his surroundings with motives of dismantling and demolition, not assembling and constructing. We aim to organize and arrange our personal office or the guest reception room, so the child scatters what we have arranged and organized, and turns the place or things into chaos while he finds it amusement and enjoyment. He must be helped to satisfy these desires. The desire that is within him, so large areas are chosen for him, and many types of harmless toys, objects, and machines are provided, and he is left to destroy and dismantle them as he wishes.

Sixth: We must think for a long time about the children’s reactions and how they express their desires, which they translate to us through exaggerated crying, for example, or assaulting his brother, or tearing up some newspapers, or breaking pots, or his desire to climb stairs. Here we must understand that behind Any negative behavior may be a positive motive that we must discover. For example, an aggressive child needs more affection and emotional satisfaction.

Seventh: Every disorder in the child’s behavior has its true explanation due to a defect in satisfying his psychological and educational needs. This rule is the basis for explaining many of the annoying behaviors that appear in the child’s behavior, and it is an important key that parents and educators must pay attention to. For example, children who are naughty in our view are In fact, they are not like that, but rather they have high energy that pushes them to hyperactivity, so mothers and fathers must understand this and direct that energy in an appropriate way for the child, such as sports or playing in parks.....


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