Petty emotions
10:4:12 2024-03-23 254

There are some ignorant parents who have no concern for the well-being of the child. These are excessive in love and tenderness, their only goal is to please the child and implement his desires, so they give way to him without consideration, and make themselves truly obedient and compliant with the little child’s commands, completely submissive to him.

Every day a child grows older, his admiration for himself increases, and the roots of tyranny and being opinionated take control of him, and he becomes a burden on society.

These parents, even if they pretend to be loving and affectionate, are in fact carrying shovels to destroy the foundation of their children’s happiness, and are leading them, with their petty emotions and unsatisfactory love, to the path of misery and a painful future.

Children who are raised in this reprehensible manner grow up admiring themselves. This bad behavior is one of the serious spiritual afflictions, as it leaves dire effects on the body and soul, and its bad results are clearly evident through the afflicted person’s words and actions.


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