The basic functions of the father in raising children
10:38:26 2024-01-22 247

The limits of the cultural role:

The father is considered a teacher and guide to his child, providing him with information before he enters school. If he becomes a student, he will compensate for his shortcomings in this field. Islam greatly emphasizes the role of the father in educating his child, and the school and the teacher are only agents of the father in achieving this function and carrying out the mission of education and transferring knowledge. The basic functions of the father can be defined by the following points:

1- Introduction to worldly life: The world that surrounds the child is full of oddities and wonders that the child greatly desires to learn about because of his possession of the instinct of curiosity, aspiration, and discovering ways to benefit from them. Parents are aware of the many questions that children ask about the world around them and their desire to know everything about life.

The father should walk his child step by step, talk to him, guide him, direct him, and introduce him to this world. He is responsible for explaining the various phenomena of the world to his child and guiding him on how to benefit from them.

At an advanced stage, the child usually asks other questions about worldly life and how it came into existence. Where will it end? What is the meaning of death, annihilation, etc.

2- Introducing the philosophy of life: The father is considered negligent in his work and responsibility if he spends his effort and thought on providing the child’s material needs only. The son sees perfection in his father through the information he possesses and the perception he has about life.

One of the father's important responsibilities is to help his son choose his path in life and to discover for himself the reasons for his various actions and actions in order to understand his life philosophy, why he will die, and what he should do.? What are the problems? How does he deal with it?

3- Introducing literature and etiquette: Literature includes poetry, prose, and proverbs, as these matters contribute to the moral structure of nations and lead people toward specific goals. Hence the great importance of literary lessons and topics.

The role of the father is determined by selecting the best literary topics for his son, especially those that are in harmony with his nature and guide him towards the path of goodness and happiness. How many people were affected, negatively or positively, by literary lessons, proverbs, and wisdom, and this was reflected in their behavior and character. The reason is mostly due to the family’s negligence or care and caution.

4- Introducing customs and traditions: We can say that customs and traditions contribute to building human thought and mind.

The child will face these issues from childhood, from the moment he enters the arena of group life. The father must guide his son towards good and beneficial customs and traditions that can build a person well and not lead him astray and deceive him.

Customs and traditions must be constructive lessons for the child, so he can adhere to them and discover his path in life.

5- Introducing art: While performing their educational function, parents are forced to introduce their children to some programs that contribute to soothing the child’s spirit and influencing his thoughts because of their sublime and wonderful meanings.

The child will benefit greatly from art, provided that he develops the ability to develop and the drive towards goodness.

The father should teach his son committed art and keep his artistic taste alive with him so that the child has insight into his situation, learns how to face different events and invest his free time positively.

6- Definition of values: All societies have constructive and destructive values that affect human life and push them either towards righteousness and virtue or towards corruption and vice.

The family represents the first nucleus of human values that guide the child towards the path of goodness and righteousness or towards the path of misery and decadence.

The father's responsibility is highlighted in transmitting these values and establishing them in the child, as he can provide him with a good moral life if he transmits the noble values.

7- Introducing civilization and culture: There are many topics that fall under the umbrella of civilization, and a person is forced to adhere to them.

One of the father's duties is to introduce his son to the various dimensions of human civilization - especially Islamic civilization - and the cultural heritage of that society.

The father must carry out his mission in a way that can prevent his son from being fascinated by other civilizations, especially during his growing up and youth.

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