Staying on Track
7:58:30 2023-09-19 412

1- Keep motivators around you. This one is pretty straightforward: we need reminders to keep ourselves going. These can be people or things -- whatever might keep you in the right mindset. It's natural to get off-balance and forget where we want to be -- these external motivators offer focus and direction.  According to certified life coach Sydney Axelrod, affirmations and mantras are other great ways to support and motivate yourself.

  • You can do a whole bunch of small things to get you in gear. Change your desktop background on your computer. Put a post-it note on your wall. A reminder on your phone. Utilize the hubbub around you and put it to your advantage.
  • To help yourself remember your affirmations, Axelrod suggests using a visual cue, like a note posted beside your bathroom mirror or a piece of jewelry that reminds you of your goals.


2- Keep good company. Unfortunately, people can also be demotivating. We have that friend that desperately wants us to eat another piece of cheesecake. That person is not good company. To get going on our path to success, everyone needs cheerleaders along the way! Tell your friends and family what you're trying to stay motivated with. Do you have a few close people in your network that can help you focus and stay driven?

  • People can be motivators, too! Tell everyone you know that you're trying to lose 10 pounds. Hopefully they'll offer resources and make the path that much easier, in addition to holding you accountable.
  • Having a mentor that's been through the same things you have will be super useful. Do you know someone who's started their own business, lost 50 pounds, or otherwise achieved their dreams? Talk to them! How do they do it? Their perseverance and display of just how doable it is may be what you need to stay energized and motivated.


3- Keep learning. As you go, you're likely to get bored, antsy, or lose attention. To avoid all these pitfalls, keep learning! Spice it up! It's hard to stay motivated on anything long-term. But if the goal keeps changing, if your knowledge keeps morphing, it'll be easier.

  • If you're aiming for weight loss, read success stories and blogs. Talk to trainers at your gym. Hit up a nutritionist. Tackle new elements (methods of training, dieting plans, etc.) one at a time. Keeping it fresh will keep your mind fresh.


4- Help others. When you're nearer your goals, odds are you've learned a lot from your work along the way. Use this knowledge to help others! Not only will it motivate you, but it will motivate them. Don't you wish you had someone to help you along your way?

  • Have you lost some weight, gotten your business started, or aced that test? Use what you know to help someone else and, better yet, drill it into you. Just like studying out loud and reciting your facts to someone else helps your understanding, helping someone else will keep you focused and feeling good about your progress.


5- Set larger goals. Once you start hitting those small goals, there's nowhere to go but up! Start looking at the big picture -- focus on the end game. No more baby steps; it's time for the big leagues. Talk about motivation! You can practically start making the itinerary for Hawaii now! And you'll fit in that swimsuit, too!

  • Make sure to keep the end goal in mind or it'll start to feel far away and unachievable. Why have you gone to all this work anyway? You know exactly why -- and the light is at the end of the tunnel. What will you do when you reach this one? Onto the next, hopefully!


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