Developing Momentum
12:36:52 2023-09-18 335

1- Focus on positive goals. It's simple to know what we don't want. It's simple to know what we're afraid of. Often it's harder to pinpoint what exactly would make us happy and what exactly we're striving for. However, to get anything done, we have to start thinking with positive goals, not negative fears. Instead of "I don't want to be poor," a better goal is "I'd like to save X amount of money each month." See how the latter is much, much more doable? And less scary!

  • Positive here doesn't mean radiating beams of sunshine. It means something you can do, something in the affirmative. A goal of "not being fat" is demotivating in itself. "Losing ten pounds through diet and exercise" is something that doesn't leave you frowning at the mere thought of it.


2- Keep it small. Having lofty goals is tough. Instead of trying to change your whole life all at once, certified life coach Sydney Axelrod suggests making small shifts that will help you reach your goals. Break each goal down into a series of actionable steps that you can actually achieve.  Then, keep making progress—you may be surprised how quickly you're able to see a difference in your life.

  • If your main goal is "I want to lose 50 pounds," break that down into something like, "I want to lose 2 pounds this week," or "I want to work out 4 or 5 days a week." These will warrant similar results but are easier on the mind.


3- Track your progress. Since the dawn of time, humans have searched for purpose and direction. And this doesn't just have to do with existentialism -- we seek purpose in our jobs, relationships, and even hobbies. If something is unfulfilling, we don't do it. So whether you're losing weight, working overtime, or studying for college, track what you're doing! This will give you drive and show you the positive outcomes of your behavior. It will give you purpose.

  • Make sure to track your behaviors and their results. Not only do you need the results to look at and go, "Gee! I am awesome! Look at what I did!" you'll need the results to see what does and does not work for you. If you try three different methods of studying, three different workouts, etc., which one gave you the best results for your effort? You can then streamline and strategize from there.



4- Take breaks. We are not machines (but even machines need breaks). Studies have shown that students who take breaks are more effective at studying.  And it's common knowledge that our muscles need breaks, too. Breaks aren't for the lazy -- they're for those that know they want to keep going.

  • It's up to you to gauge when those breaks need to be. It also depends on what the ultimate end goal is. Not only should there be mini breaks in your day, but there need to be life breaks, too.


5- Don't be afraid of making mistakes. In order to find the best way of achieving something, we often have to do things we've never done before. Mistakes will happen if you're growing and getting better. You can X them off your list of possibilities and narrow your path to action down from there. Technically, mistakes are a good thing. At the very least they serve a purpose.

  • There's also the fear of looking stupid that keeps a lot of people from trying things. Whether it's raising your hand in class or trying out that new equipment that you're not sure how to use, it's human nature to want to stay in our comfort zone. But for the most effective results, if you truly want to get good grades, to get thin, or to get started in that business, you got to do things you may not want to do.
  • On a similar thread, don't let the mistakes drag you down. It's too easy to make one, feel like we're so behind there's no point in trying anymore and just stop. But if you tell yourself it's not an option, it won't happen. Failing doesn't matter -- getting back on the horse is all that does.


Reality Of Islam

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