The necessity of education on how to handle the child in his first stage
Your son's first year
The thinking and planning is over, and the room is ready with its decorations and furniture, as well as the child's clothes and needs. Finally, the long-awaited day has come: you and your baby will begin life together. You may now know that the first few years of your son's life are important and fundamental to his growth and development, and they will determine the pace of your relationship in the coming years. What do you need to know as you begin this important first year together?
Physical development and upbringing
A child is among the weakest living beings in the universe. When he was born, the baby could not raise his head, nor could he turn around or move on his own. In fact, it takes a very long time for a child to learn that what moves in front of his face are his hands, which he can use to pick up and hold things. At first, your baby will sleep most of the day (unfortunately the night is another story!)
Life with the child
Do you remember the first time you saw your son? There is no doubt that you fell in love with him at first sight, no matter how red his skin looked and wrinkled. You may have dreamed of these first days and weeks, but dreams sometimes fade away in the presence of reality. Your son may cry non-stop, fall asleep when you're awake and wake up when you want to sleep, dirty his nappy or vomit up his breakfast at the most inopportune moments. You may find yourself confused in front of piles of baby gifts, wondering what is the use of this cover and which part of this dress you should start with first.
You must choose a skilled pediatrician to accompany you in these first months. Make sure that you are comfortable asking him questions, as you will have a lot of questions, and it may help to have friends and family members who have raised children before so that you can consult them.
• Proceedings
With regard to the physical development of the child, know that children grow from the inside out and from the top down. The first thing your son develops is his heart and lungs, and the last thing he learns is how to control his movement. He will be able to raise and move his head before he can coordinate the movement of his arms and legs.
None of us is born knowing how to raise, so learn everything you can and don't hesitate to ask for help. As a general rule, the first months of your baby's life aren't a good time to worry about cleaning your house, getting food for your friends, or trimming your garden. Try to keep your life as simple as possible, as your baby will need a lot of your time and attention, and you should make sleeping and taking care of yourself a priority as well.
Education in the first months of life
Children are not small adults, they are amazingly resilient and they are born equipped to grow and learn, but they are not able to think logically or remember or control themselves like you do. Never leave your baby alone unless he's in his cot, car seat, or other safe place...and only for a few minutes. Many parents lived the experience of leaving the child on the sofa or bed ((only for a moment)) and came back to discover that the child chose this very moment to turn over for the first time... and fall to the ground.
Many new moms go through a period of mood swings that is common after childbirth, but about one in ten women develop postpartum depression, which can affect their ability to have a close relationship and bond with their baby if they feel angry, tired, or ashamed and don't want to be with friends. Or the family, or if she feels that she is harming her child, she should not hesitate to seek help immediately.
Even the happiest babies can cry sometimes, which is not surprising because crying is a baby's only way of communicating. He will cry when he feels tired, lonely, hungry, thirsty, hot or cold. He will sometimes cry just to calm himself if he gets too excited (remember that boys cry more than girls and are more difficult to calm down). With time and practice, you will learn to decipher your son's crying, and you will be able to give him what he needs.
In these first few months, it may seem to you that your whole life revolves around your baby. Perhaps this is actually true. But by the time the baby is about three months old, he will usually settle into a predictable daily routine. There are many resources available to help you about eating, sleeping habits, and physical care. And no matter how overwhelmed you feel from time to time, do not forget to enjoy the company of your son, as the first months will pass before you realize it.
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