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There is no harm in co-operating with the organizations of non-Muslims in the matters of social service. In this regard Qur'an has given the fundamental instruction.

Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancor Fear Allah, for Allah is strict in punishment. (Almaida:2) (Q36)

There was no organized political structure of any kind of Arabia before the birth of the Prophet. Social anarchy was rampant and nobody's life and property had any degree of security. None had the moral courage to question the high-handedness or contain the excess. Bloodshed was common even over trivialities. The city of Mecca known as the abode of peace was also tainted with contemporary lawlessness. Some peace-loving Arabs wanted to bring about a change in the contemporary state of affairs. They assembled at the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan and pondered over the situation. Finally they came to a decision that they would raise their voice against tyranny and terror at any cost. Nobody, whether he was a resident of Mecca or an outsider, would be allowed to bear the brunt 'of injustice or excess of any kind. The needy and the indigent could not fend for themselves against the powerful, would be helped.

The Prophet was also a part of the assembly and a party to that joint decision. This event took place before his prophethood. But he had admiration for that joint decision even after his prophethood. The contract in which I took part at the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan is so dear to me that I prefer it to the red camel (which was considered to be the greatest wealth in Arabia). If I am invited to it, even after the advent of Islam, I would accept it.

The organizations which are working for civil and democratic human rights are the assets of a society. Any society devoid of these organizations is morally bankrupt. Islam promotes and guards such institutions of humanitarian values.


Reality Of Islam

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