One of the axes of reform and advancement of our contemporary social life is that benefactors strive and try to influence others, and make them align themselves with the principles, values, and ideas that they deem necessary to live in (difficult times), and this requires that we improve the level of our experience of ourselves as social beings, for whom communication represents an important source of maturity, self-fulfillment, and moral diffusion. Among the means that help achieve this goal are the following:
Your brothers who are close to you are your real mirror, and there is no doubt that they store many notes about the way you communicate, address others, and speak with others. And they are more capable of correcting you and informing you in this regard, in order for one to stand on the observations of his brothers, for he must formulate many questions and direct them to them such as: Did I contact you by phone at inappropriate times? Is the way I speak uncomfortable, and is my entry into the topic I want to talk about appropriate, and do you feel that I have a kind of stubbornness and insistence on my opinion unjustly? If we do not like the answers of our brothers, and we do not find them convincing, then we should thank them, and not be on the defensive.
A person can recognize his good communication with others through the reactions of others to him, as he can - if he is keenly observant - realize that he is frequently misunderstood by his listeners, as well as realize if he is making his interlocutor angry, as well as realizing if he is not listening well. Or if he interrupts the interlocutor before he finishes speaking...
And the more our observation of our behavior when communicating is strong and organized, the more our level of communication improves, and we dispense with hearing the notes of brothers and friends.
Recording the voice on a tape is an important way to know our style of communication, where the method of pronouncing the words, the speed of speech, the tone of the voice, and the extent of its diversity during the conversation... One can make attempts to improve. One must be prepared for surprise when he checks his voice for the first time, as he may not be comfortable with it.
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