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Allah has promised in Quran that every sin can be forgiven except for shirk.
So now it is compulsory upon every believer to know what is shirk. It is not possible to get away from shirk if you do not understand what it is. The meaning of shirk is to include another in the attributes of Allah.
1. Believing Allah and His creation have the same attributes is called shirk fil safaat (shirk in attributes).
2. Believing the acts of Allah are done with the help of another is shirk fil fail (shirk in acts).
3. Believing there is another whom we should obey or believing there is another who has the same rights over us as Allah and believing their obedience is compulsory upon us is shirk fil amr (shirk in obedience).
Now because:
1. Every attribute of Allah is revealed through Muhammad (PBUH) and his progeny.
2. Every act which we associate to Allah is fulfilled through the prophet and his progeny.
3. The orders of Allah and His obedience were revealed through the prophet (PBUH) and his progeny. Therefore obedience to them is the same as obedience to Allah.
The complete explanation of shirk is this:
"Believing Muhammad (PBUH) and his progeny are human like us, and that the attributes, acts, and obedience of Allah can be revealed from other than them."
We have briefly explained the truth regarding shirk. As your knowledge and intellect grows, you will be able to look around yourself and inshaAllah will immediately recognize those who are practically committing shirk. I am sure in order to protect yourself from shirk you will keep yourself far from such people and places. InshaAllah.

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