Keeping secrets
7:51:3 2023-03-29 655

Keeping secrets

Secrets are what a person keeps to himself and wouldn’t reveal to others. Just as a person must keep his secrets and not reveal them to anyone, he must also keep the secrets of his fellow believers and the general public. Revealing a believer's secret is one of the things that is forbidden in Islam, and even for a non-believer, it is contrary to the virtuous morals to reveal others secrets.

There are people who are very careful about their secrets, and keep them, but they do not deal with the secrets of others in the same way, as if their secrets are respected and the secrets of others are not, or that their secrets are of the first degree, and the secrets of others are of the fourth degree, and this is a grave mistake, reflecting a selfish spirit, and self-bias.

Some people underestimate what they reveal of others secrets, and think that they are not secrets at all, there for giving themselves the right to reveal things about others.

Dealing well with people requires keeping their secrets and not neglecting them. Just as a person loves for himself that his secrets remain kept hidden, and hates for them to remain divulged, so he must love for others that their secrets remain kept and hates for them to have their secrets disclosed.

Preserving people's secrets is one of the factors of social cohesion and cohesion in human relations. Hence, societies or gatherings that are distinguished for preserving the secrets of others - in addition to preserving the secrets of oneself - are characterized by strength and durability, unlike societies or gatherings in which the disclosure of secrets is widespread.

Thus, among the ethics of dealing with people is keeping their secrets. In order for a person to treat them well, he must keep their secrets as well as his own.

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