المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية
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أبحث عن شيء أخر المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية

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How is direct-to-consumer genetic testing done


1510       05:13 مساءً       التاريخ: 29-10-2020              المصدر: Genetics Home Reference

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How is direct-to-consumer genetic testing done?

For most types of direct-to-consumer genetic testing, the process involves:
1. Purchasing a test
Test kits can be purchased online (and are shipped to your home) or at a store. The price of some test kits includes the analysis and interpretation, while in other cases this information is purchased separately.
2. Collecting the sample
Collection of the DNA sample usually involves spitting saliva into a tube or swabbing the inside of your cheek. You then mail the sample as directed by the company. In some cases, you will need to visit a health clinic to have blood drawn.
3. Analyzing the sample
A laboratory will analyze the sample to look for particular genetic variations. The variations included in the test depend on the purpose of the test.
4. Receiving results
In most cases, you will be able to access your results on a secure website. Other test companies share results in the mail or over the phone. The results usually include interpretation of what specific genetic variations may mean for your health or ancestry. In some cases, a genetic counselor or other healthcare provider is available to explain the results and answer questions.
The test kit will include step-by-step instructions, so be sure you understand them before you begin. If you have questions, contact the company before collecting your sample.

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