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Date: 26-2-2021
Date: 30-3-2021
Date: 19-2-2021
A point process on is said to be interval stationary if for every and for all integers , the joint distribution of
does not depend on , . Here, is an interval for all .
As pointed out in a variety of literature (e.g., Daley and Vere-Jones 2002, pp 45-46), the notion of an interval stationary point process is intimately connected to (though fundamentally different from) the idea of a stationary point process in the Borel set sense of the term. Worth noting, too, is the difference between interval stationarity and other notions such as simple/crude stationarity.
Though it has been done, it is more difficult to extend to the notion of interval stationarity; doing so requires a significant amount of additional machinery and reflects, overall, the significantly-increased structural complexity of higher-dimensional Euclidean spaces (Daley and Vere-Jones 2007).
Daley, D. J. and Vere-Jones, D. An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes Volume I: Elementary Theory and Methods, 2nd ed. New York: Springer, 2003.
Daley, D. J. and Vere-Jones, D. An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes Volume II: General Theory and Structure, 2nd ed. New York: Springer, 2007.
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