Education and Composure
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Composure is one of the divine names and attributes that helps to win the best opportunities and adhere to virtues. Allah has given composure exclusively to the prophets . Allah says:
Most surely, Abraham was forbearing, tenderhearted and oft-returning to Allah. Take to forgiveness, enjoin good, and turn aside from the ignorant.

Composure is one of the most renowned mental virtues that achieve board-heartedness, high self-determination, and virtuous moralities. Many narratives refer to the adherence to this trait.
The Prophet (s) said, “O Allah! Richen me with knowledge and adorn with composure.” “Allah will never support by ignorance or humiliate by composure.”

Imam Ali (a) said, “The abundance of fortunes and sons is not the goodness. The real goodness is the abundance of knowledge and the munificence of composure.”

Imam Ali bin al-Hussein (a) said, “Men, whose composure overcomes their wrath, admire me.” Imam as-Sadiq (a) said, “Composure is a sufficient support.”

The Imams were highly ascribed with composure. Imam al-Hassan, the Prophet’s grandson, was the exemplar of composure by the testimony of his enemies. Marwan bin al-Hakam tried to participate in the ceremonies of Imam al-Hassan’s funeral, but Imam al-Hussein said to him, “Do you intend to carry his funeral while you were one of his ultimate enemies who raged him to excess?” The man said, “I did this to the man whose composure was as huge as mountains.”

Imam Musa bin Jafar was also one of the most self-possessed and broad-hearted. He was named al-Kadim, which means ‘the self-possessed.’ Allah praised the carriers of such elevated qualities. He said:

And those who restrain their anger and pardon men, and Allah loves the doers of good to others.
Composure settles numerous problems and enmity, spreads mutual amiability and association, and takes away from malice and hatred. From this cause, Islam has paid thorough attention for concentrating composure in Muslims’ mentalities.


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