The rule makes it easy for us to memorize what we want, and we reach our goals smoothly, so it preserves the path we take, and the more we rely on the rules in various aspects of our lives, the more we can be at a high level of commitment, success and advancement. The rule benefits us in relying and steadfastness, so it is a reference and a basis on which we lean, and the more correct and solid the rules are, the more cohesive the structure that is built on them will be. However, if your rule is a balloon filled with air, it does not carry any weight and quickly explodes. The life we live requires us to find the rules that if we follow them, we will succeed in everything we want, if one of us is thinking about success, otherwise no rule will benefit him, even those rules that are in front of his eyes, because the purpose of our existence is success, not failure, and this is the record of the wise and the great, in which there is no failure; because their concern was success. One of us may ask: Are there rules for success that are shared in different areas of life? We can tell him: Yes, take the right thinking or positive thinking, it is one of the most important rules that are the starting point for success, and take caution, vigilance, attention, and many others. I ask you to read this rule carefully. - Attention and caution
We live on earth with our fellow human beings, and they have different natures. You find the liar, the honest, the faithful, and the traitor. We must take these cases into consideration. We cannot work with the traitor or accompany the liar for a long time, because he will lie to us one day, or slander us, even if we are the closest people to him. However, the lie overwhelms him, so we no longer have any sanctity within him. Caution is a must here, and we cannot neglect, ignore, or turn a blind eye to it. This is an important part of life, and we do not limit all attention to this point only. Rather, caution and attention are required in many necessary parts of this life. Rather, the whole world calls us to beware of it and at the same time to be sufficiently alert and attentive. It was reported from the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him): (Do not despair of time if it prevents, and do not trust it if it gives, and be extremely cautious of it, and asceticism in this world) (1). Caution does not mean that we stop our lives and put ourselves in a narrow corner, reaching the point of obsessive-compulsive disorder, because this thing is absolutely not required. So if we contemplate the text before us, we find that it warns on the one hand and encourages on the other hand, so the issue is relative and clear, so we do not rely on the world and forget that the world is very tempting, it takes us from where we do not feel to its pools as if one of us is a prisoner who cannot free himself from it, because the nature of the world is treacherous, soft and beautiful according to appearance, this is clearly evident through the letter of Imam Amir al-Mu’minin (peace be upon him) to the noble companion Salman al-Muhammadi (may God be pleased with him), before the days of his caliphate, in which he said: (As for what follows, the example of the world is like that of a snake, its touch is soft, its poison is deadly, so turn away from what pleases you in it because of the little that accompanies you from it, and put aside its worries when you are certain of its departure. (2) This golden commandment carries within it a comprehensive program for dealing with reality and life. We look at the world with contempt, so that when its calamities befall us, they are easy and simple for our hearts. As for the one whose heart is attached to the world, he collapses with its calamities and misfortunes, and it never ends until the person comes out of it carried on shoulders to his final resting place. How beautiful is the simile when he likened it to a snake, for it is soft and easy in its external form, but it carries poison inside it, like the one who gives you honey and in it is poison, for it is sweet to taste, but it carries a killer and is evil inside. The world is like a hypocrite, whose outward appearance is faith, righteousness, and piety, but whose inward appearance is malice, disbelief, immorality, deceit, fraud, and treachery. The world is the official face of the accursed Satan, so if a person neglects it, it will take him between its waves and throw him out of real life, and he will remain suffering, unable to return. And if time runs out, there is no room for return and no place for him in… Life is a second, for man has one chance to live, and when his time comes, his work is finished, and he is cut off from this world, which is the house of duty and work, and he goes to a new house, which is the house of waiting and accountability. When it is said to beware of the world, it does not mean this closed concept for some people, but rather the general, vast, great concept, with the huge meaning of the world, for the world means the love of falsehood, greed, injustice, and leaning towards the oppressor and helping the people of disobedience and tyranny in their actions and abandoning the truth and attacking its people, and stubbornness, arrogance, gossip, transgression against people and mocking them and belittling them, and not being satisfied with what God has apportioned and objecting to His judgment and not accepting fate and destiny and submitting to His command, that world in which the purest, most trustworthy and best of people were killed, that world in which pure souls were lost, and noble and generous souls were tired in it, the world in which the lowly were raised and the high were lowered, the world in which the monkeys of mankind climbed its chairs, and the lowly took its pleasures, the world that fought Ali for many years and concealed his virtues out of hatred, loathing and animosity, this world that You talk about it day and night, not trees, fruits, sleeping, living, smiling, sitting with people of faith, developing the earth, building homes for orphans and the poor and caring for them, building factories and hospitals, and showing the pride and strength of believers. We must establish these concepts in our minds and the minds of our children, brothers, family, and everyone we care about. If we pay attention to this world, we will be wary of all the dangers that surround us in order to succeed in our humanitarian, religious, and moral projects, and everything related to a decent life. We should beware of the vanity that befalls us, because the more a person advances in work, projects, and achievements, vanity and arrogance enter him, so he begins to attack every whisper that comes to him from Satan and the soul that commands evil, so he loves for people what he loves for himself and hates understanding what he hates for it. Our lives are full of dangers and are threatened every day with stopping, so a person should not play too much and be deceived by the glitter of the things around him, or those things that shine in his imagination, because there are many things that revolve in our mental and intellectual world that have no reality in this life at all. Except that we are used to having them in our minds and thoughts.
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Albert Einstein once said: "Imagination is more important than science for it surrounds the world"