So that you do not miss out on life
11:49:51 2025-01-16 123

The value of all opportunities in life stems from the value of the opportunity of a lifetime itself. Whoever realizes the value of this great opportunity can take advantage of the rest of the opportunities available to him in his life, and whoever does not realize its value cannot benefit from the rest of the opportunities, and if he takes advantage of them, they will not benefit him. Because whoever wastes a precious jewel, what benefit will caring about pebbles and dirt do?!

The value of life comes from the value of work. Since a person's life allows him the possibility of working in it, it has value and value. If we strip life of this value, that is, if there is a person who cannot work in life, cannot think, write, build or plant, then such a person's life has no value, and life and death are the same to him.

The value of a person comes from the value of the work he is good at. The one who is not good at work has no value.

When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family) looked at a man and liked him, he would say: Does he have a profession? If he was told: No, he would say: He has fallen from my eyes.

Any goal in life can only be achieved by working for it. Neither miracles nor coincidence can make a person achieve his goals and dreams.

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