The youth period, the stage of personality formation and self-reliance, is one of the factors for achieving personality and economic independence; the young man puts pressure on the previous generation to find a place for himself, find workers, and open a way for his economic activities to obtain financial gain, and he does not obtain self-reliance as long as he has not reached his goal and has not obtained a job, or has not determined his academic specialization to obtain a job in the future, and is worried about his future, and sees his personality as weak, and his morale is disturbed, and the longer this situation lasts, his psychological disturbance increases. In these cases, the young man becomes violent, and it is difficult to understand him, and he shows severe reactions for trivial reasons in the family and community environment.
When he gets a job through which he earns independent financial income, he is overwhelmed with joy and happiness, and feels that he is self-reliant and has a personality. Feelings of anxiety end and his heart is reassured. He walks proudly and with his head held high among people, and he wants all people to know that he has achieved a share of success, and that he has become a useful member of society.
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