How to Shift Out of a Scarcity Mindset
12:47:46 2024-11-19 335

Here are some ways we can start embracing a mindset of sufficiency (and even abundance):

1. Recognize and acknowledge scarcity thinking.

Awareness of scarcity-based thoughts is the first step you can take to transform them. This awareness can allow you to step back, identify what has you feeling a sense of deficiency, and move away from accepting them as truths.

2. Challenge and reframe scarcity-based thoughts.

Reframe scarcity-based thoughts by questioning their accuracy and replacing them with more realistic, constructive ones. For example, instead of “I don’t have enough time,” try “I will prioritize what matters most and set boundaries around my time” or instead of “I’ll never get there,” try “I am well-resourced and capable of figuring out a path forward.”

3. Practice gratitude.

A gratitude practice is a powerful way to redirect your attention to all that is already present in your life. Take some time to focus on what you currently have and how far you have come, recognizing that many of the resources, relationships, and experiences around you were once things you wished and worked for.

4. Engage mindfully with media.

We are bombarded with messaging through social media, marketing, and advertisements that fuel scarcity-based thinking and leave us feeling like we’re not good enough. Curate your media by unfollowing and limiting exposure to accounts that evoke comparison and feelings of lack and following accounts that share positive and inspiring content.

5. Surround yourself with positive influences.

The people we spend time with can greatly influence our mindset. Find people who are abundance-minded and will encourage, uplift, and inspire you.

6. Celebrate the success of others.

Many people view success as a finite resource, believing that someone else’s progress limits their own ability to achieve. Instead, when someone achieves a goal of theirs, try to see it as evidence that your wins are possible for you too. It is remarkable the opportunities that present themselves when we adopt an open mindset of "Why not me?"


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