The Value of Human Effort
4:6:33 2024-09-21 16

Ruskin despised the way industrial labor turned people into interchangeable, faceless tools, disconnected from the final product. Ruskin believed work should give individuals a meaningful role in the larger process, not reduce them to mechanical tasks.

He used the example of stonemasons working on cathedrals. While the masons didn’t design the cathedral, the excellence of their work and individual creativity is evident in the stone carvings and sculptures—small, beautiful contributions with imperfections, eccentricities, and unique perspectives that provide depth and richness to a greater whole. Their work is captivating both in its individual detail and when stepping back to see the full, spectacular result.

Today, we'd frame this as self-determining theory, which highlights autonomy, competence, and relatedness as key psychological needs. When people have control over their work and can express creativity, they’re more motivated and fulfilled.


Reality Of Islam

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