1- Supplement your income. Cutting expenses and changing your lifestyle may leave you with enough money to pay more towards your debt. However, you may need to increase your income in order to earn enough to get yourself out of debt. Many people stay in debt because their debt payments are so high that they don’t have enough money to cover their living expenses, so they continue to use their credit cards. Earning more money can help you to break your dependence on credit cards and focus on getting out of debt.
2- Freelance in your spare time. Use the skills you have acquired in your professional life to earn some extra money on the side. If you’re good at writing, have a flair for design or have an artistic talent, you can earn money by providing services with these skills. If you are replicating work you do in your professional life, be careful not to compete with your employer. Check to see if you signed a non-compete agreement, which prevents you from working in the same industry in direct competition with your employer.
3- Create and sell arts and crafts. If you are artistic or crafty, you can sell your wares. Start your own website or sell your products on a site like Etsy. Ask local merchants to sell your products. Rent a table at a local craft fair or flea market.
4- Sell your expertise. If you are really good at something or have expertise with an activity or hobby, create a digital product to share your knowledge. Writing e-books or creating online courses are good sources of passive income. That means that once you create the product and put it up for sale, it continues to generate income for you even after you have stopped actively working on it.
5- Teach or tutor. If you are a teacher or you have a skill in something like a foreign language or a musical instrument, take on a few students to tutor. Find students through word of mouth or by advertising in the newspaper or on Craigslist. Give lessons in person, or connect with students online through platforms like AceYourCollegeClasses.com. Private tutors can earn at least $30 per hour or more if they have advanced degrees. Music teachers can charge $25 to $30 for a 30 minute lesson. Teaching in an adult education center pays approximately $20 per hour.
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