Order and discipline in the family
4:16:58 2023-10-23 245

Observing discipline and order in matters in the family environment is of particular importance at the level of children’s rehabilitation. The more serious the parents are about systems, discipline, and implementing programs, the less the child will make mistakes and rebelliousness, and this will even suffice him to resort to using the stick and hitting. This does not mean turning the house into a military headquarters, where the parents are like army commanders holding their swords over the children’s heads. Rather, what is meant is that there should be no leniency or complacency in such matters.

However, discipline is the fruit of education, while systems are its means, but that discipline and these systems must be proportionate to the characteristics of each case, as they cannot be at the same level in all circumstances, and therefore the issue of gender, talent, vitality, intellectual, social, and economic level, and the like, must be taken into consideration.

The family that is concerned with the process of rehabilitating and raising children is characterized by special systems in areas of life, such as getting up and going to sleep, sitting, working, resting, eating, etc. All of these matters affect the child, whether directly or indirectly, and here we also point out that the systems and laws must be Purposeful, rational, and appropriate, which the child can implement.

Naturally, the parents’ lack of interest in the rules and their indifference to the controls leaves a negative impact on the child and slows down the process of reform. The child waits for a violation from his parents in order to later link his rebellion and lack of discipline to that violation.


It is necessary to choose a reasonable and effective method in the process of rehabilitating children. The purpose of the method is all the tools and arts that help us achieve the desired goal. The method can also include a set of measures that ensure the guardian reaches a fruitful goal. Either the lack of method or its randomness leads to the road to achieving the goal being long and full of problems and difficulties, which means wasting more time and efforts while not achieving the desired reform.

Observing justice, the approach to equality, and imprinting on this concept, for example, leaves a positive impact on the child and instills in him the tendency to do so. Or when the child gets angry, we confront him with a consoling method instead of confronting him with anger and irritation, because that will be more effective in reforming him. In this way, we do not resort to slapping the child when he says inappropriate words, but rather we resort to positive methods in teaching him good and appropriate words, such as saying in front of him “a lovely child” instead of a “foolish child” or “may God forgive you” instead of “you unlucky person” and so on.

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