What if the bullies have taken your friends away?
3:37:25 2023-08-29 353

You can feel very lonely if the bullies have taken your friends away. Often friends are afraid they'll also be bullied if they go around with you. It's always very upsetting when friends turn against you which is a good reason to try to make as many friends as you can, even those in different years.

If the bully has taken your friends away you could have a word with each of your friends individually, at a time when nobody else is around, and just sound them out. You could try to get them talking about something they did at the weekend and then just say that you used to be friends with them and you're not sure why that changed. Tell them that you'd really like their support.

You're probably not the only one being bullied who has to spend break and lunch hour on your own. Keep your eyes open. If you see someone else on their own try to start a conversation, about anything, schoolwork, if you think you know their sister, if you think they might live near you, anything at all.

Making new friendships

To have friends you also need to be a friend and you can do that by trying to be open and friendly with people and asking how they are and striking up general conversations. This isn't always easy, but if you just ask someone if they had a nice weekend then it gives them the chance to say something back and then you can try to continue the conversation.

People love talking about themselves so in time you'll find people who like doing that because you'll come across as a good listener and then people will enjoy your company and you'll find you have the same interests as some of these people which is the first step towards real friendship.

Tips on overcoming social bullying

Dealing with social bullying can be tough. Here are some tips:


Trust your instincts – Friends that care will never bully! The ones who do, were never your friends in the first place.

See the bigger picture – Easier said than done but just remember those who are bullying may have issues and although this is no excuse, it may be a reason as to why they are choosing to act this way.

Ask for help – Asking for help to get this stopped is not a weakness, even having someone to talk to can help enormously! Get your loved ones on board.

Get involved - Join a group that offers activities that you really like and that give you a chance to shine. You might even want to use your experiences to set up a peer support group for those who are being bullied.

Be yourself – Don’t let the small minded actions of other dull your shine. Be kind, be confident and love who you are. The bullies will soon get bored when they don’t get a reaction.

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