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Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him, and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers , the companions by your side, the wayfarers (you meet), and what your hands possess, for Allah loves not the arrogant and the vainglorious. [Al-Nisa: 36] (Q12)

In the above Ayah, after giving command to serve Allah, we have been asked to behave with kindness towards the people. In this regard parents are mentioned first.

"And do good to parents". (Q13)

All the religions of the world teach one to serve one's parents. At numerous places in the Qur'an, after the worship of Allah, kind behavior towards one's parents has been given prominence. It means that of all, the greatest favors a man has are that of Allah. After Allah's, parents' favors are the greatest. They play a great role in man's existence, his birth, his up-bringing, his education and his moral and material progress. Without parental care his progress would have been hampered and his existence would have been in peril. Even the illiterate and the indigent parents sacrifice so much for their children that there is no match to it in the whole society. In the favors of the parents we have the reflection of the favors of Allah. Worship in reality is to be thankful to the favors of Allah. Parent's status is not that of Allah's. So they could not be worshipped but they are treated with utmost respect. Kindness in treatment is the way to return their favors. The Qur'an has commanded us to express our thankfulness to Allah and parents.

Show gratitude to me and to thy parents. To me is (thy final) goal. [Luqman: 14] (Q14).

Modern civilization has disrupted family institution. Along with this, the higher values attached to this system have also been shattered. In the process it has affected the aged parents to a great extent. Today people are discussing what to do with the aged parents who have lost their use. How long they could be tolerated when they could no more play any useful role in making the future. The parents, who are held in contempt to-day, once had so much power over their children that they could have easily exterminated them in their infancy but they didn't do so. The modern generation was once at the mercy of these old. Parents, yet they toiled and spent the sweat of their brow in bringing up their children. The Qur'an has commanded in particular to treat the aged parents with kindness and humility. It says:

Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in term of honor. And out of kindness, lower to them the wings of humility, and say "My Lord bestow on them thy Mercy even as they Cherished me in childhood." [Al-Isra : 23, 24] (Q15)


Reality Of Islam


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