The importance of smart people
9:6:10 2023-04-20 510

Intelligent people and geniuses are the wealth of society. They can be the creators of science, thought and philosophy. They invent something and have creativity. Unfortunately, most of these people are not known in their communities and remain that way, and even their parents and educators cannot know them. How many of those who live in society and because it is not possible to know them on the one hand and their sense and education on the other hand, they work in simple jobs such as industry, agriculture and photography, although if they had been educated, there would have been individuals such as Ibn Sina, Al-Razi and ... even because of negligence, and ignorance some of them have become criminals and have committed crimes that may baffle the police. They do not leave traces that lead to themselves and live in society normally.

The care of the educational centers in the country for these people in a good way will unleash their energies, as it can create the reasons for the sound growth and advancement of the country.

What the American and European countries possess of craftsmanship and invention is the outcome of the thoughts and opinions of these geniuses. Raising one person like Edison can lead society to the highest levels of economic and industrial maturity.

Reasons for intelligence

There are different opinions on this subject but it cannot be a conclusive opinion.

Some depend on genetics and some depend on the environment. Although we do not isolate the role of genetics in this field and the importance of the environment. But we remember that neither of these two, not even both together, causes the existence of genius. Likewise, some of these people were brought up in an environment that lacked the criteria of rationality, while others were in a rich environment. In general, these were from the upper class and wealthy.

We see that the factors of heredity, environment and upbringing are influential in this field. We also believe that there are other factors that we do not know, and it is better to mention that they are a special care by Allah Almighty for the efforts of scientists and their endeavors to make the child a genius or create an intelligent individual. So far, we have not reached a noteworthy result.

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