Stinginess is an ugly nature , and no one accepts to be said on him because it gives him a bad reputation that keeps the close and far people away from him and makes his attitude looks retracted and selfish : and as Al-Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said : “ stinginess is shame “
Though the criteria of people for considering a person as stingy are deferent depending on their believes , values and habits and what is common among them concerning all what is related to expenditure , stinginess , wasting , profusion and generosity …. And for that , in Ahl-Al Bait (peace be upon them) sayings there are many kinds for stinginess and who has it :
The prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) said : “ the stingy who is really stingy is the one who doesn’t give the zakat (a percentage amount of money taken out of the owned money ) that is imposed in his money , and doesn’t give the baaena in his people , and elsewhere he wastes . ( Baaena means the gift , and was called so for it is taking out of the money).
And the prince of believers (peace be upon him )said: “ and when a stingy acts cheaply , he would keep away the zakat , sadaqa , siblings relations , guest praise , paying for the love of Allah , welfare paths , and it is forbidden on heavens to be entered by a stingy . And he (peace be upon him) also said :” the stingiest person is who doesn’t spend on himself and leaves it for his successor “ And he (peace be upon him) also said :“ being stingy with taking out what Allah has command to out of money , is the ugliest stinginess “
And Al-Imam Alsadeq said : “a stingy is who doesn’t greet (Al-Salam Alaykom ) ( peace be upon you)” And he ( peace be upon him) also said : “ a stingy is who gained money without presence and didn’t spend it in its right “
And Al-Imam Al-Kadhem (peace be upon him) said: “ a stingy is who didn’t give what Allah has ordered him to give “
And at the end : it was said that our prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him ) said : “ a stingy is who hears my name and don’t praise on me “
Oh Allah , bless Mohammed and his progeny .
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