As we notice, the main aim of the Qur’an is to teach us lessons by recounting the didactic teachings of past history, from which one can draw the following inferences:
It is true that Allah is Compassionate and Kind. However, one must not forget that He is at the same time Wise. Whenever a nation becomes corrupt and does not answer the call of His messengers He judges it appropriate that that nation has no right to continue to live. Ultimately, their system will be overthrown through some natural or social revolutions.
This has not been confined to the Noah’s nation, nor has it been confined to a particular time and place. As a result of the Divine Providence this has taken place throughout all ages and among all nations up to our time. The first and the second World Wars might be regarded as examples of such a purge.
It is true that a corrupt nation must be exterminated, but their means of annihilation can vary. The holy verses of the Qur’an provide evidence that punishments are commensurate with sins of the nations punished.
The Pharaoh relied on the River Nile which was the backbone of his power, and, interestingly, it became the source of his annihilation.
The People of Noah was an agricultural and a livestock-breeding nation. That ungodly nation had relied upon rainfall for everything, and ultimately that very nation was wiped out by rainfall.
If we notice that our contemporary fellow human beings are being devastated with their most modern arms and ammunitions, we must not be surprised, for the advanced industries which they relied upon for the exploitation of oppressed nations, would be eventually used for their own destruction.
It is usual for everyone to take shelter to something when in need. Some take refuge in their wealth, some find shelter in their position, some rely upon their bodily strength, and finally, some rely upon their power of thinking.
However, as the above verses show, and as history has demonstrated for us, none of these can resist the command of the Almighty, and they will easily disappear just like a spider’s web standing in the storms.
The ignorant and stiff-necked son of the prophet Noah committed the same fault. He thought that the mountains could protect him from Allah’s Wrath. But, what a grave mistake! The sweep of a wave put an end to his life.
As it has been quoted from the blessed Prophet (S) which is found in Shi‘ah and Sunni books, the Prophet’s family, which are the Imams and Ahl-ul-Bayt (as), as well as the content of the school of Islam, have been designated as ‘the Ark of Salvation’.
That is, when tremendous changes occur in the mental, ideological, and social spheres of the Islamic community, the only means of salvation is to take refuge in the School of the Ahl-ul-Bayt (as).
The tradition which talks about this ‘Ark of Salvation’, the tradition of /safinah/ (ship) has been generally accepted by the consensus of the Imamiah scholars and by more than 100 Sunni scholars as well. It has been narrated as follows:
“Abuthar, the great companion of the Prophet (S), while holding the knob of the door of the Ka‘bah, said with a loud voice:
‘O you people! I heard the Prophet (S) saying with my own ears, that the Prophet (S) said ‘The similitude of my Ahl-ul-Bayt (family) is like Noah’s Ark; he who embarks upon it is rescued, and he who distances himself from it, will perish.’
Certainly, other great personalities at the dawn of Islam like Abu Sa‘id Khedri, Ibn Abbas, Abdullah-Ibn Zubayr, and Anas Ibn-Malik have also quoted this tradition of the Prophet (S) which has been mentioned in the known books of the Ahl al Sunna.
If we place this sequential ‘Hadith” (tradition) alongside another sequential ‘Hadith’ which says: “The Muslims will be divided into 73 sects, out of which only one will be saved,” it would become evident that the Prophet (S) himself considered this sect to be the one that follows the Ahl-ul-Bayt, (as) and where he says ‘He who embarks upon it will be saved,’ he means the same term /najiyah/ (saved).
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