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Date: 21-9-2018
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The spherical harmonics are the angular portion of the solution to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates where azimuthal symmetry is not present. Some care must be taken in identifying the notational convention being used. In this entry, is taken as the polar (colatitudinal) coordinate with , and as the azimuthal (longitudinal) coordinate with . This is the convention normally used in physics, as described by Arfken (1985) and the Wolfram Language (in mathematical literature, usually denotes the longitudinal coordinate and the colatitudinal coordinate). Spherical harmonics are implemented in the Wolfram Language as SphericalHarmonicY[l, m, theta, phi].
Spherical harmonics satisfy the spherical harmonic differential equation, which is given by the angular part of Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates. Writing in this equation gives
Multiplying by gives
Using separation of variables by equating the -dependent portion to a constant gives
which has solutions
Plugging in (3) into (2) gives the equation for the -dependent portion, whose solution is
where , , ..., 0, ..., , and is an associated Legendre polynomial. The spherical harmonics are then defined by combining and ,
where the normalization is chosen such that
(Arfken 1985, p. 681). Here, denotes the complex conjugate and is the Kronecker delta. Sometimes (e.g., Arfken 1985), the Condon-Shortley phase is prepended to the definition of the spherical harmonics.
The spherical harmonics are sometimes separated into their real and imaginary parts,
The spherical harmonics obey
where is a Legendre polynomial.
Integrals of the spherical harmonics are given by
where is a Wigner 3j-symbol (which is related to the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients). Special cases include
(Arfken 1985, p. 700).
The above illustrations show (top), (bottom left), and (bottom right). The first few spherical harmonics are
Written in terms of Cartesian coordinates,
The zonal harmonics are defined to be those of the form
The tesseral harmonics are those of the form
for . The sectorial harmonics are of the form
Abbott, P. "2. Schrödinger Equation." Lecture Notes for Computational Physics 2.
Arfken, G. "Spherical Harmonics" and "Integrals of the Products of Three Spherical Harmonics." §12.6 and 12.9 in Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 3rd ed. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, pp. 680-685 and 698-700, 1985.
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