The importance of case studies with parents is that although they are the key to success, they are still largely neglected. The case studies of foster parents and foster children are also vital. Besides the obvious importance of choosing suitable foster parents, and the need for foster parents to know the child so that they can be tangibly compatible, there is a need to prepare foster parents, without being influenced by sentimentality, to be aware of the behaviour that the chosen child is likely to exhibit. This is often overlooked because of the difficulty of finding foster parents and the unwillingness to discourage those who seem fit for the task. However, unless the specialist has established the trust of foster parents in children and their parents, he will rarely be surprised if he is later disappointed if they ask to get rid of the child, which is annoying to those who organize the care in foster homes, and the foster parents act as responsible to the institution if it fails to carry out its responsibilities towards them.
A special part of these pre-admission discussions will be of interest in explaining the child's relationship with his parents, his need for visits from them and their likely behaviour. With him, and when explaining the fact that foster parents should not expect the child to behave towards them as if he were their own child. The question of what kind of long-term plan is possible will be addressed, and foster parents will be invited to comment on it, and their contribution to planning for the future will be welcomed. This emphasis on considering foster parents as partners in a difficult technical task is relatively new, and contrasts markedly with the traditional relationship between the specialist and the foster mother, who was treated no more than if she were a patient. Moreover, this new technical participation reveals again the continuing sensitivity to the problem of care fees. The tradition has been to pay a small maintenance salary, usually estimated on the basis of the cost of living of a few years ago. There has been great resistance to the idea of paying foster parents, and the argument continues that this poses a danger to the child, because the care will be for money rather than for love. The government authorities, for reasons that are difficult to separate from their desire to save, are attached to this old argument. The fear that the mother's wages for child-rearing will affect her natural love and interest in children is as absurd as the belief that a doctor or dentist will be less interested in his patients if he expects them to pay him for his services.
Social workers agree that child-rearing is a genuine job for which he should be paid, and they point to what was common in the old days when children worked to make their survival economically worthwhile. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that the renting of an extra bedroom and the possibility of a stay-at-home wife earning part-time work are both profitable alternatives to taking a child into care. From this refusal to give foster parents a suitable wage from the maintenance amounts paid by voluntary and government agencies for institutional care, the contradiction in the proportion of generosity lavished on care in both the family and the institutions is again shown.
In order to improve the position of foster parents, it is recommended that they be treated as external members of the staff of the institution. There is a firm belief that if this is done, and if remuneration is assessed on the basis of services, more responsible foster parents will emerge. Until such measures are taken, the public interest will continue to complain of the difficulty of obtaining foster parents. This is a universal complaint at the present time.
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