One of the goals of marriage is to build a family that is formed after two people are bound by a sacred bond, which is marriage, and having children is a complement to that. Marriage in divine thought is a sacred relationship and a strong bond. It includes the emotional and moral relationship between the two people. What Islam calls for is that a person should marry and thus form a family for lofty goals, foremost among which is the pleasure of Allah, the Most High, and not for base and animalistic goals. Here are some of the lofty goals that Allah, the Almighty, wanted to be achieved through marriage:
First: Responding to the call of nature: In fact, marriage is the correct and legitimate answer to the call of nature and instinct that Allah, the Almighty, has placed in man. In this and that, it comes to achieve the reassurance and tranquility expressed in the Holy Qur’an, and to continue the human race, since the sexual instinct grows with the growth of the body and it is necessary to submit to it when the body reaches puberty. In reality, legitimate marriage is an acceptable answer from Allah, the Almighty, to this call and invitation, and the purpose and motive of marriage in man remains ongoing even with his advancing age.
Second: Responding to the Sunnah of the Prophet: Marriage in Islam is a sacred duty. Because as the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: "Marriage is my Sunnah, so whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not of me."
Third: Protection from risks:
Marriage is a factor to keep away from danger and a reason to preserve the safety of the body and soul, and abandoning it is not free from physical and spiritual diseases; because turning away from marriage will cause many symptoms in a person's life, the result of which is to leave the state of natural balance.
Fourth: Preserving chastity:
Marriage is one of the important factors to save the young man from deviations and shameful behaviors; because it restricts the desires of the human being and protects his limbs from committing sins, because the human being can satisfy the pressures of his instinct through contact with his wife, and from here the Noble Messenger (may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him and his family) says: (Whoever marries has achieved half of his religion).
Fifth: Obtaining peace and tranquility:
Marriage gives the young man's soul tranquility and tranquility and makes his troubled depths settle in tranquility. This is the very happiness that man lives in while he is on his way to achieving his lofty goals that he aspires to.
The Holy Quran considered woman as a home for man, as it says:
And among His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy.
Sixth: Reaching perfection:
Marriage leads to material and moral integration, as both the man and the woman feel that they have become complete human beings in the shadow of marriage, as the girl has entered the stage that qualifies her to play the role of mother, and likewise the young man who becomes a man after marriage, he is qualified for the role of fatherhood, and this is achieved through marriage, in which both the husband and wife feel reassured and close to Allah Almighty.
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