The Existence of Allah and the Reality of Creation
4:1:22 2024-09-21 276

The universe is full of evidence that disproves the unbelievers' misguided and erroneous philosophies. All people who listen to the voice of their conscience and study the universe and nature in a sincere and unbiased manner will find the evidence of creation wherever they look. Everything, whether alive or lifeless, contains messages that teach us Allah's superior art of creation. Thus, we are surrounded by the signs of His existence and unity.

In order to destroy the unbelievers' claim that everything evolved accidentally, it is necessary to examine and inform others of the evidence for creation in the light of modern science. Conscientious people, who come to see the spectacular structures and perfect design of living beings, will realize that these could not have been the result of coincidental developments, but that they are the creation of Allah. In this way, the coincidence lie will be destroyed. The evidence for creation covers Allah's existence and oneness, as well as His supreme might, wisdom, and art. They will lead people to notice Allah's existence and to turn to Him.

One of the most effective ways to remove the people's unawareness of this truth is to display the many proofs of creation and its perfection in great detail. This will cause people to think about those things that they have always taken for granted. For example, each person's body is a great proof of creation. Our eyes are more complex and superior to the most advanced cameras in the world. All of our bodily functions work in harmony and in equilibrium with each other, and chemical processes that could otherwise be reproduced only in huge chemical plants are carried out perfectly well in our relatively small internal organs. Allah created countless foodstuffs for us, all of which grow in the same soil and yet have different delicious tastes, smells, appearances, vitamins, and the minerals we need to stay alive and healthy. All of the fruits, vegetables, and other sources of food present evidence for Allah's creation. At this time and age, most people consume Allah's gifts without ever pondering this reality and so never think to thank Him for them. In order to end such unawareness, sincerely religious believers must join forces.

Many verses of the Qur'an invite people to ponder such facts and to witness and understand these proofs for Allah's existence and greatness. Among them is the following passage:

Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the Moon as a light in them and made the Sun a blazing lamp? Allah caused you to grow from the soil and will return you to it and bring you out again. Allah has spread Earth out as a carpet for you so that you could use its wide valleys as roadways. (Qur'an, 71:15-20)

The subjects mentioned in these verses are so detailed that scholars could - and have - written volumes about them. For instance, the seven strata of the heavens and their effects on and benefits to the world's ecological systems and life on Earth; the Moon and the Sun's influence on the seasons, the climate, day and night, and over the life of people - when people think about such things, their worldview is broadened and their faith is strengthened. The slightest changes to these systems are similarly awe-inspiring, especially when the dangers of such changes are considered. The whole universe is full of such details, and yet most people hardly ever ponder these wonders in their daily lives. Telling people about these proofs of creation and their ramifications on their own lives will lead them to contemplate and thus recognize Allah's power and might.

Naturally, people who admit Allah's existence will find their lives, morality, and general behavior greatly affected, for they will do their best to obey His commands and live by His morality. This, in turn, will increase the number of people who are gentle, modest, accepting, understanding, patient, loyal, selfless, compassionate, brave, open-minded, honest, and just, and the world will become a beautiful place due to the expansion of His morality.

Therefore, come and let us investigate the reality of creation; let us research them and announce them to all people; let us invite them to love Allah, be thankful to Him, live by the morality He prescribes, and worship Him in order to earn His good pleasure.

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