Groups that encourage dysfunction
4:0:4 2024-09-02 204

Healthy groups build up people’s resilience to deal with the stresses and strains of life. Destructive groups break down individuals’ coping strategies, so they struggle to function outside of the group.

Group members become trapped in a cycle where paranoid ideas are continuously confirmed, making the group feel like a haven from a frightening world.

This dynamic serves the group’s purpose by

  • Strengthening in-group cohesion: The shared belief in external threats bonds members tightly together, creating a sense of unity against a common enemy.
  • Silencing dissent: Anyone who questions the group’s beliefs is seen as a potential traitor, further isolating members from outside perspectives.
  • At the extreme end, we find cults, groups defined by extremely destructive behaviors that serve the leader or the group at the expense of individual well-being.
  • Groups that don't meet the definition of a cult can still erode members' independence, competence, and ability to manage their own stress. These groups can be corrosive to mental health and autonomy, subtly manipulating emotions and thoughts in ways that make it difficult for members to recognize the harm being done.
  • While the individuals within these groups suffer, the group itself persists. The paranoia and dysfunction serve as tools to maintain control, ensure loyalty, and prevent members from leaving.


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