How do I succeed in my work?
1:42:47 2024-07-21 308

Here are five ways that will help you:

First: throw yourself into the arena of life

Try to manage your affairs on your own without abandoning cooperation with others.

The difference is clear between a person seeking help from others and relying on them to make his decisions for him.

Whoever makes his own decisions is building the house of his glory with his own hands. As for whoever waits for others to make decisions for him, his wait will be long and in vain.

Second: Climb the ladder of success

If you are one of those who do not yet have confidence in themselves, start by setting a broad, medium goal to reach. Instead of aiming to write a book, for example, and you do not have confidence in the ability to accomplish it, start by writing an article. It is wise to progress gradually and work to achieve your desires.

Third: Call upon your courage

Many people fall victim to hesitation. When they are faced with a difficult choice that requires exploding their energy, they face some dangers. They prefer safety over entering the unknown. In such a situation, what is required is for the person to seek help with courage. You realize that you are not at the mercy of bad luck or other people. Do not let the adverse reality stand in the way of making an appropriate decision.

Fourth: Act upon the wisdom that others have used to succeed

 If you don't do this, what do you do instead?

One of my acquaintances provided me with an appropriate expression for a situation like this:

“When you are confused, do both:

- Should I finish my studies or am I looking for a job?

- Stay in your studies and look for a job opportunity.

 “Achieving both choices rather than choosing one and losing the other.”

Fifth: Plant in virgin land

You may feel like you have no options. But this is nonsense, as there are always many options in front of every neighborhood.

If you feel that you are in real trouble, look for virgin land to plant in. Try to do something unexpected.

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