The Creation of a Child According to the Quran
10:7:54 2023-11-14 599

In several verses of the Noble Qur’an, Allah (swt) has mentioned the creation and stages of transformation of the child. It is by observing this miracle that one inevitably desires to thank and revere Him, the best of Creators.

In Surat al-Mu’minun, verses 12-14, He states:

“Certainly We created the human being from an extract of clay. Then We made him a drop of (seminal) fluid (lodged) in a secure abode. Then We created the drop of fluid as a clinging mass. Then We created the clinging mass as a fleshy tissue. Then We created the fleshy tissue as bones. Them We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We produced him as (yet) another creature. So blessed is Allah (swt), the best of creators!”

In the verses above, Allah (swt) mentions 7 stages of creation:

Stage 1: The human being initially starts off as clay; in other words, the inorganic constituents of the earth are absorbed into living matter by way of food.

Stage 2: Living matter reproduces itself by means of sperm; thus the human is then made into a seed (the seminal fluid), and placed in a firm resting place (the ovum of a mother).

Stage 3: The first change in the fertilised ovum is the conversion into a sort of clot of thickly congealed blood, or clinging mass.

Stage 4: The zygote cells grow by segmentation; then the mass gradually assumes shape in its growth as a foetus (a lump of fleshy tissue).

Stage 5: From this develops bones.

Stage 6: Flesh now grows on the bones, as do organs and a nervous system.

Stage 7: So far the development of an infant human is like that of an animal. However, a major step is now taken and the foetus becomes a complete human. This is the breathing of Alla-h (swt)’s spirit into him. (This may not be at a specific time; rather it may be parallel to that of physical growth.)

On the subject of the creation of the fetus, it is narrated from the Prophet (s): “The seed in the womb of the mother (takes) 40 days to become a clot, then after 40 days it becomes a lump of flesh (fetus); when the child is 4 months old, by the command of Allah (swt), 2 Angels give the foetus a spirit (ruh) and specify the sustenance (Rizq), period of living, deeds (A‘ma-l), prosperity and adversity of the child.” 148

It is perhaps for this reason that it has been suggested that especially after the 40th day of intercourse, one should be extra careful when preparing food. The food must be ritually clean and halal as this will have an impact on the child.

Ima-m as-Sa-diq (as) also described the process of creation as follows: “After the completion of the materials of the body, Alla-h (swt) sends two Angels who have the duty of the creation of the child, and by the permission of Alla-h (swt), they create the ears and eyes and all the inner and outer organs (limbs) of the body.”

In a Hadith al-Qudsi, Alla-h (swt) addresses the ungrateful man and says: “Oh, Son of Adam! You have not acted justly with me! I made your weight light on your mother! After that I made the path of your deliverance from a tight and dark place smooth (and tolerable). When you placed a foot in the world outside the womb, I saw that you don’t have teeth to eat food; I placed breasts full of milk in the warm bosom of (your) mother. I made the heart of your mother merciful towards you, and the heart of your father affectionate, such that they take pains to give you food, and do not sleep until they make you sleep.

Oh, Son of Adam! All these favours were not because you asked it from me, nor that I needed you. And when the state of your physical constitution was ready, and your teeth grew, I made you enjoy (and benefit from) (different) types of foods and fruits of the summer and winter. However! Despite all this kindness, after you did not recognise me (as your Creator and Sustainer), you disobeyed me.”


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