Prohibition from accusing others of adultery
3:44:24 2023-10-19 239

Islam has prohibited certain acts as a shield from going astray.  Society consists of individuals, and individuals comprise communities and families.  If family unit is saved from the damaging effects of permissiveness, then the foundation of community becomes strong.  If the community is on the right track, then it enjoys respect in the society.  This is why Islam seeks to protect the chastity of family above everything else.  However, where the fabric of society is threatened due to sinful acts, rigorous procedure is followed under Islamic law before verdict is passed.  A person cannot indulge himself in loose gossip of accusing others of adultery.  If he cannot produce witnesses, he himself becomes liable to punishment.  This is one of the cases, where damage is easy to inflict but difficult to mend.  This explains strict punishment against the violators.  This fact is reflected in the tradition of Lady Fatima who says, "And Allah made (obligatory), the prohibition from accusing (others) of adultery, as a protection for avoiding the curse (of Allah)."


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