Pushing the unemployed to work
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One of the acceptable actions is to push people who want to live legitimately to work, as well as to encourage those who have money to establish institutions and create jobs for strong individuals, and such people, in the point of view of Islam, achieve great success and a good life.

Ali bin Shuaib said: I entered upon Abu Al-Hasan Al-Rida (peace be upon him) and he said to me: “O Ali, who is the person with the best livelihood?” I said, sir, you know it better than me. He, peace be upon him, said: O Ali, whoever improves the livelihood of others in his own livelihood.

Work and economic activity encourage self-reliance, strengthen the personality, and give the person pride and honor. Striving to obtain the necessities of living is evidence of knowledge of social duty and dispensing with others.

Working and striving to secure an honorable life is a reason for pride and a factor in familial and social understanding. The person who works hard to secure his life and the lives of his wife and children will receive a great reward from Allah Almighty, and will be honored and respected by his family and community.

As for those who refuse to work, and in their lives they are a burden on others, such people live in humiliation and contempt, and lack any value in the eyes of their family and society, and people look at them with contempt.

The truth is that unemployment and the fact that a person is a burden on society are nothing but the killing of personality and the crushing of human honor. The strong person who can obtain a living through a legitimate means, but refrains from doing so, destroys his social value and pushes himself towards the abyss of collapse.

It is not enough for parents to practice legitimate work in order to secure their family’s life requirements. Rather, they must push their young children to strive and work, and consult together in choosing work, and this work in itself is one of the conditions for creating harmony and good understanding within the family environment.

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