We believe that Allah has sent His ordinances in the interest of His servants; that whatever is greatly to our advantage he has made incumbent for us (wajib); that whatever is to our disadvantage he has forbidden to us (haram): and that whatever is to our advantage, but not greatly so, He has made recommended (mustahabb), and has recommended us to do it. And this is of His Justice and Mercy.
It is clear that Allah must give His commandments to cover any eventuality, and that nothing can be found which is outside the scope of His commandments, although we may not be in a position to understand this.
We also say that it is impossible for Him to order something of which a part is evil, or to prohibit something of which a part is good. But some Muslims say that evil is what Allah prohibits, and good is what He commands, and that therefore there is no intrinsic good or evil in the acts themselves.
This is not in accord with reason, however, as the same people also say that Allah can do things which are evil; thus He can order what includes evil and prohibit what includes good. It has previously been mentioned that this opinion is erroneous, because it requires that Allah is ignorant and unable to do certain things; far be He glorified and exalted above what they say!
In short, the correct belief is that there is neither interest nor benefit to Allah in His commandments to us, but that they interest and benefit is entirely for ourselves, or to forbid that which contains no evil, because none on His laws are without aim, and He has no need of His servants.
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