Do not show all your knowledge
10:39:14 2023-05-07 508

Do not be upset by what you know, and do not hasten to say what you were not asked to say, for not everything that is known is said, and not everything that is said is useful.

So do not try to appear as if you are the most knowledgeable among those present, rather put your knowledge in the position of the wristwatch that you usually hide until you ask about the time, but if you show your knowledge in a wrong place, then this is considered absurd, just as it is considered absurd if you refrain from showing it in its time. Knowledge is like advice that should be given to those who deserve it, but if you give it to someone who does not deserve it, then it is a wastd, and Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said about that: (There is no good in silence about wisdom, just as there is no good in saying falsehood).

We should expend knowledge accompanied by wisdom, and expend it as much as the listeners can comprehend, and if we have exhausted the knowledge more than others can comprehend, we will have wasted the knowledge and wasted our energy in a useless matter, moreover, it will make those people despair and disappointed.

If a child inquiries from you about a matter, you must answer him according to his understanding and assimilation, and if you answer him in proportion to a university professor, you will be wasting knowledge and the learner together, for knowledge is lost just as a child is lost.

  Many times a person falls into the trap of argument, and does not know how to get rid of a discussion that has no fruit in it, and when the discussion reaches this level, one should cut off the conversation in order not to drain his effort and his mind in a wrong place, as there are those who continue to argue in order to prove others wrong. Their ideas come with scientific and conclusive evidence, but the opposite party does not want to accept the truth as it is, and does not want to admit failure and pride in sin, so it tries to question the validity of the facts in any way, so the discussion here will turn into a useless debate, and it is absurd for one to make a mental effort on such controversy.

Thus, we find that just as there is a useful scientific debate, there is also an empty dialectical debate behind which there is no benefit.

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