Social life was not confined to humans only, but there is a class of insects called “social insects” such as bees and ants that live a regular and tangible social life, and there is a class of birds called social birds such as storks and eagles, and among wild animals a group called social animals such as monkeys has been known.
And the social life of such animals can be more developed even than human life in some aspects, for example, there is not even one unemployed or hungry person in the beehives, while the most developed countries of the world can't achieve this.
However, there are two main differences that distinguish animal social life from human social life, and they are:
A - No matter how high and complete animal social life is, it is determined by certain sections, and is limited and summed up by several phenomena, such as building the cell, gathering food, caring for the young, and so on. While the manifestations of human social life are very numerous and almost unlimited, and are not limited to a few phenomenon.
B - The animal social life is of one phase and devoid of transformation and development, in other words it is constant as it is. For example, we find that beehives today are completely similar to their counterparts millions of years ago, which clearly indicates the stability of their geometric dimensions and way of life in a way General.
On the other hand, we find that human social life changes during this period, but rather in one century or less, sometimes in all its stages, so that it is never compared to the previous one.
These two basic differences are what distinguish human social life from animal life.
In sum, man owes society all the perfections he has attained, whether in the intellectual, scientific, and ethical aspects, or in the material and technological aspects, or in others, or else, civilization and humanity would have lost their meaning.
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