quranic recitations for increase in sustenance
3:18:38 2018-04-22 871

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

It is narrated that writing Surah al-Mu’min at night and then keeping it in one’s place of business increases sustenance. Keeping Surah al-Hijr in one’s pocket or tied to the arm is also a means of increase in livelihood. Surah al-Qaari’ah should be worn around the neck and Surah al-Waaqi’ah should be recited every night to stay independent in terms of earning an income. Reciting Surah adh-Dhariyaat every day also increases sustenance.

Writing [al-Fatir: 29-30] and keeping it at the place of trade also acts as a means of increase in income. Keeping [al-Jumu’ah: 4] together with your goods for sale brings blessing and keeps the goods safe from damage. Drinking water in which Surah Yusuf has been dissolved (after writing) also increases sustenance.

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