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Date: 15-9-2019
Date: 12-10-2019
Date: 14-7-2019
Most aldehydes and ketones react with 2º-amines to give products known as enamines. It should be noted that, like acetal formation, these are acid-catalyzed reversible reactions in which water is lost. Consequently, enamines are easily converted back to their carbonyl precursors by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis.
1) Nucleophilic addition
2) Proton transfer
3) Protonation of OH
4) Removal of water (nucleophile elimination)
5) Deprotonation
كل ما تود معرفته عن أهم فيتامين لسلامة الدماغ والأعصاب
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جامعة الكفيل تناقش تحضيراتها لإطلاق مؤتمرها العلمي الدولي السادس